Canada Start-up Visa Program.
Start-Up Visa Program.
The Start-Up Visa Program consists of 3 streams:
Angel Investor – An angel investor group must invest C$75,000 into a qualifying business
Business Incubator – A business incubator selects and approves applicants to develop a business concept or proposal
Venture Capital – A venture capital group must invest C$200,000 into a qualifying business
The Angel Investor stream has many benefits for the applicant, such as faster/easier processing, fewer virtual interviews, and more flexibility in investor group composition
CSUV: Qualifying Industries.
Many industries qualify for CSUV, such as:
Advanced manufacturing or engineering
Big data analytics
Software development
Artificial intelligence
Life sciences
Financial technology
Clean technology
Healthcare/health technology
Environmental technology
CSUV: Benefits.
Fast, simple and straight-forward program
We will develop the business concept and manage the complete process
The Permanent Residence Visa is not tied to the performance of the business
Small up-front payment, with balance required after issuance of the Letter of Support
CSUV leads directly to Permanent Residence
Applicant and family can live anywhere in Canada
Qualifications are flexible and many applicants qualify for CSUV
PR visa processing time is 12 months
CSUV: Qualifications.
Have basic proficiency in English or French: CLB 5 or greater
Be between ages 20 and 65 years
Have minimum C$750,000 in net worth (combined principal applicant and spouse)
Incorporate a company and intend to develop a business concept or idea in conjunction with the angel investor
Cannot be inadmissible to Canada for medical, security or criminality reasons
2+ years of post-secondary education (beneficial but not required)
Business ownership or management experience (beneficial but not required)
24 Hour Client Assessment - We will assess the client’s qualifications in 24 hours
Interview & Preparation - We will develop the business concept and prepare the client for the interview with the Angel Investor
Approval - The Angel Investor will approve the client and issue a Letter of Support (usually within 2 months)
Work Permit & Student Visa (Optional) - If families wish to accelerate their move to Canada, they may be able to apply for a Work Permit
PR application - The federal application is processed and permanent residence visas are issued in approx. 12 months
Our Role.
We work only with government-approved Angel Investors
Ensure the Applicant meets CSUV qualifications
Develop a creative business concept with input from the Angel Investor
Prepare the applicant for interview with the Angel Investor
Following a successful interview, we obtain the Letter of Support
Review and assist with the WP and PR application
Prepare a cover letter unique for each client, and monitors the immigration process
Undertakes any legal challenge to ensure success for all clients
Our Commitment.
We commit to a high level of superior and personalized service to each and every client
Our personalized attention encompasses the review of the initial assessment, business concept creation, client preparation for interview, and issuance of the Letter of Support
We will review the immigration application and monitor federal processing
We are committed to the success of all our clients and will take any measure, including legal challenges, to ensure this success