Dominica Economic Citizenship.
Scotts Head, Dominica
The Commonwealth of Dominica.
Island nation in the Caribbean Sea
Achieved independence from Britain in 1978
Currency is the Eastern Caribbean Dollar
Economy based mainly on agriculture and tourism
Population of 69,625 people
Area of 290 square miles (751 square kilometers)
Called the “Nature Island of the Caribbean”
Program Benefits.
Citizenship in a British Commonwealth country
Citizenship is for life and non-revocable
No residency requirement, and no need to travel to Dominica (passports will be delivered by international courier)
Dual citizenship permitted
Visa-free travel to 89 countries worldwide including E.U. & U.K.
Children may avoid military service in their home country
Off-shore bank accounts, investments, and Dominica-incorporated companies give unique opportunities for business and tax planning
Principal applicant must be at least 18 years old
Dependent children must be under the age of 30, fully dependent on the principal applicant, and unmarried
Dependent parents or grandparents must be over age 55, living with and financially dependent on the principal applicant
Dependent siblings must be under age 25, fully dependent on the principal applicant, and unmarried
Make a one-time payment to the Government of Dominica, or purchase approved real estate
No minimum net worth, No education requirement, No maximum age, and No business experience needed
Investment funds may not be earned in (or transferred from) Iran, Sudan, or North Korea. Applicants cannot reside in these countries for at least 10 years before applying
Economic Citizenship Program.
Established to channel capital into national development projects, such as building schools, hospitals, sports facilities, and other public sector projects
Citizenship Act allows applicants to invest in Dominica and receive citizenship without a residency requirement
Our partner is a Government-Approved Economic Citizenship Agent
Visa-Free Travel.
Visa-free travel to the United Kingdom
Visa-free travel to the European Union
Visa-free travel to Hong Kong
Visa-free travel to many other countries worldwide
Visas for Canada and the United States are easily obtained
Application Process.
Applicant passes medical and security checks
Applicant submits required documents for review and to ensure completeness
We facilitate fast Government processing
Upon approval, applicant contributes to the Economic Diversification Fund or invests in real estate
Citizenship certificate and passport are issued in 2-3 months, and delivered by international courier
Applicant swears an Oath of Allegiance